One of the things that make Mullins bushings superior to any competition, is the adhesion of the rubber to the steel or nylon liner.
Every piece of steel starts here with a vapor degreasing. This removes oil, sludge and grime. Roy Taylor is shown here removing a basket of steel inserts from one of our degreasers.
The crew then grind or shot blast metal inserts to remove the scale and turn up "bright metal". After that, one of our specially designed adhesives is applied to the insert, and it's ready for molding.
Incidentially, the only test of adhesion is a destructive one. We take a steel plate with a hole slightly bigger than the steel insert, using a hydraulic press, we strip the rubber from the insert by pressing it through the hole. This is the best adhesive test we have found.
P.O. Box 24830 Dayton, Ohio 45424
Phone (937)233-4211 Fax (937)233-7836